附件一: 一般條款 Appendix A: Terms and Conditions
1. 本申請表由會計妹提供,並由虛擬辦公室服務計畫申請人(“客戶”)同意,雙方共同履行申請表內所載的條款及細則。 This application form is offered by AccGirl and accepted by the virtual office service applicant (“Client”), both executing those terms and conditions started in this application form. 2. 客戶知悉並同意本申請表中沒有賦予客戶佔用或使用任何本虛擬辦公室服務所列位址之辦公室、設備或設施的權力。 The Client understands and agrees that they will have no right to occupy and access any part of the premises, and any equipment or facilities within the premise of the virtual office address under this application form. 3. 客戶或客戶代表所提供的一切資訊(“客戶資訊”)均為準確與完整的。本公司將依賴所獲提供的客戶資訊,本公司不會對客戶資訊進行任何評估或核證,也不會對任何錯誤資訊所引致之損失負責。 The Client information must be accurate and complete. AccGirl will depend on what the Client offer, and AccGirl do not do any evaluation or certification about the Client Information and will not be responsible for any lost suffered due to the inaccurate or incomplete information. 4. 客戶不能在服務生效前或終止後,公開或使用本公司提供的位址、電話號碼以及傳真號碼。客戶也不能以其他未向本公司登記的公司和用戶的名義,公開或使用本公司提供的位址、電話號碼以及傳真號碼。 The Client shall not publish or use the provided address, telephone number and fax number provided by AccGirl before the commencement of the service or after termination of services. The Client shall not let any company or user not registered with AccGirl to publish or use the provided address, telephone number and fax number provided by AccGirl. 5. 本公司只為申請人之公司提供虛擬辦公室服務,故不會代收其聯絡人之私人信件或包裹。如有此情況,本公司將收取HK$100手續費,並且本公司不承擔任何因此引致之損失(包括但不限於信件或包裹丟失)。 The virtual office service is provided to the applicant, i.e. the Company registered with us. Thus AccGirl will not accept the mails or parcels of the company contact persons. If any mails or parcels are send to AccGirl, AccGirl will charge HK$100 handling fee. Moreover, AccGirl will not be responsible for any loss incurred resulted from this matter (including but not limited to the loss of mail or parcels). 6. 在服務生效前及或終止期間,或任何未經許可的情況下,本公司有權拒絕收取客戶的郵件、包裹、電郵或傳真,及拒絕處理客戶專線電話的來電或傳真,並且不會通知以上各種項目的傳送。在服務終止的30天后,客戶遺下的任何郵件、包裹、傳真和物件,本公司有權代為處理。 Before the commencement of service, during suspension period, or any situation without the prior authorization, AccGirl reserve the right to reject any mails, parcels, faxes or any other objects sent to the Client and will not handle all calls from the assigned telephone/fax numbers. AccGirl is not responsible to notify the Client of such delivery. 30 days after the termination of service, any mail, parcels, fax or any other objects sent to or left at any offices of AccGirl shall be at the disposal of AccGirl at its absolute discretion. 7. 就以下情的況,本公司有權終止服務而不作任何通知;同時亦無須為停止提供服務,而負上法律責任或承擔任何被索償的後果。 Under the following circumstances, the AccGirl reserves all rights to terminate services without any prior notice .the AccGirl shall bear no legal responsibilities nor shall be liable for any claims or compensation for discontinuing services. i. 客戶未能按時繳交費用,包括服務費、手續費或轉寄郵件費用;或未能及時更新商業登記; The Client has failed to settle any service fees, handing fees or reimbursements of postage, or to renew business registration on time; ii. 客戶涉嫌進行或涉及任何非法、違例或詐騙活動; In suspicion of the Client is involving or carrying out a fraud and any illegal or improper activities; iii. 客戶涉嫌利用本公司提供的服務作展銷會或招聘會等活動; In suspicion of the Client is using provided services to hold any promotional sales or public recruitment events; iv. 客戶涉嫌在未經本公司許可下,把服務轉移或分配至任何第三者使用。 In suspicion of the Client is transferring or assigning any or part of the services to any other parties, without the prior authorization from AccGirl. 8. 如有任何爭議,本公司將保留最終決定權。 Should any disputes arise, the decision of AccGirl shall be final. 9. i. 為使本公司向申请人提供所申請的服務,申请人須向本公司提供其個人資料(「個人資料」)(以本公司不時規定或接納的方式)。如申请人未能向本公司提供有關資料,可能會導致本公司無法提供該等服務。 To enable AccGirl to provide the Client with any services, the Client is required to supply AccGirl the Client’s personal information (‘Personal Data’) (in such manner as may be prescribed or accepted by AccGirl from time to time). His/her failure to do so may result in AccGirl’s inability to provide such services.
ii. 在本公司向申请人提供服務的規限下,個人資料及與本公司進行任何交易的有關詳情和所有資料,將會用於本公司向申请人提供該服務的有關用途。并且申请人同意此等個人資料用于向申请人提供服务及向申请人推介本公司其他服务及本公司不时推出之优惠等用途。 Subject to the condition that AccGirl agrees to provide the service to the Client, the Personal Data and details and all information relating to any transactions or dealings with the AccGirl will be used in connection with the provision of such service to the Client. iii. 申请人同意本公司可就該等個人資料、詳情及資料予以使用、儲存、轉讓,及向為本公司提供服務的機構或本公司認為有需要的任何其他人士披露;并用於與本公司可能向申请人提供的服務有關,及/或與為各種目的(無論是否為要採取任何不利於申请人的行動)而核對申请人的其他資料有關,及/或與推廣、改善及促進本公司向申请人提供服務有關,及/或根據本公司不時向申请人發出的結單、通告、通知或其他條款及條件所載的本公司一般個人資料披露政策而用於任何其他用途及向有關人士透露個人資料。 The Client agrees that AccGirl may use, store, transfer, disclose to service providers or any other person as AccGirl considers necessary, information for any purpose in connection with services AccGirl may provide to the Client, and/or in connection with matching for whatever purpose (whether or not with a view to taking any adverse action against the Client) with other personal data concerning the Client, and/or for the purpose of promoting, improving and furthering the provision of services by AccGirl to customers generally, and/or any other purposes and to such persons as may be in accordance with AccGirl’s general policy on disclosure of personal data as set out in Statements, Circulars, Notices or other Terms and Conditions made available by AccGirl to the Client from time to time. iv. 若該(等)服務供應商所在地區的資料保障條例較為寬鬆,本公司將要求該(等)服務供應商向本公司作出與本港的資料保障條例大致上相同的保密承諾。在任何情況下,本公司將會繼續負責將此等個人資料、詳情或資料保密。 Where the service provider is situated in an area where there are less stringent data protection laws, AccGirl will impose on the service provider confidentiality undertakings substantially similar to the requirements of the data protection laws in Hong Kong SAR. In any event, AccGirl will remain responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of such Personal Data, details and information. v. 申请人有權要求查閱及改正任何個人資料。申请人可書面向本公司提出有關要。本公司會盡可能滿足申请人的要求,惟本公司在適用的法律及規則下或須拒絕申请人的要求。 The Client has the right to request access to and correction of any of the Personal Data. Any request may be made to AccGirl in writing. The AccGirl will comply with such requests unless AccGirl may or is required to refuse to do so under the applicable law and regulations. 責任範圍 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 10. 客戶已知悉因語言、文字或電子通訊的限制,如服務受阻、延誤或中斷、或任何錯漏,本公司的責任只限於其服務受影響的服務費,本公司不會因上述原因而負上其他責任。 The Client acknowledges that due to the imperfect nature of verbal, written and electronic communications, AccGirl is not responsible for any failure to render any service, or any delay or interruption of any service, the sole obligation is limited to the services charges during the affected period. 11. 客戶同意不會因服務受阻、延誤或中斷、或任何錯漏而引致的直接或間接損失(包括業務及收益之損失)而提出索償。 The Client agrees to waive, and agrees not to make, any claims for damages, direct or consequential, including with respect to lost business or profits, arising out any service, any error or omission with respect there to, or any delay or interruption of services. 協議期限與終止 SERVICE PERIOD AND TERMINATION 12. 本次服務的期限為一(1)年,從客戶公司成立日起開始計算。 The service period is one year, from the date of incorporation of the Company. 13. 其後服務期會按照客戶每次繳付的服務週期而延續,而本申請表之內容亦會於新延續的服務期內適用。 The contract period will be extended according to the period covered of each payment of the Client forward, and the content of this application form will be applicable within the extended contract period. 關於服務事項 ABOUT SERVICE 14. 代收取客戶郵件及包裹 MAIL HANDING SERVICES i. 包裹的体积不应超过40厘米*40厘米*40厘米。本公司有权拒收任何超出上述体积的包裹。 The total volume of mails and parcels shall not exceed 40cm*40cm*40cm. AccGirl reserve the right to refuse receiving parcels exceeding the prescribed maximum size. ii. 本公司有权拒收任何危险或非法物件。 AccGirl reserves the right to refuse receiving any dangerous or illegal items.
iii. 客户之包裹可以免费存放3天,3天后本公司将收取存放费(HK$20/每天/每件) The storage of the parcels is free for the first 3 days and HK$20/item/day will be charged afterwards. iv. 超逾30天不取,及不能聯絡者,本公司將自行處理寄存物,而不另行通知,並且不負任何責任,後果客戶自負。若客戶暫存的物件基於任何原因而被盜,遺失或損毀,本公司不須為此而負上任何責任。 Mail and parcels uncollected over 30days, or if the Client is un-contactable, the mails and parcels shall be disposed of without any notice. AccGirl shall not be responsible for any losses or any obligations. AccGirl shall not be liable if the stored items are lost, being stolen or damaged due to any reason during the storage period. 15. 轉寄郵件及包裹服務 MAIL PORARDING SERVICES 若客戶需要轉寄郵件及包裹,需每次以電郵或書面形式通知本公司。本公司不會為轉寄郵件及包裹所引致的損失、被竊、被破壞、或任何災害,而作出任何賠償及負上任何責任。本公司每次將收取HK$80元手續費及轉寄郵件及包裹之郵寄費用。 If mail forwarding services is required, the Client should state at the time of application. Otherwise, the Client should notice AccGirl by email or written notice afterward every time. AccGirl shall not be liable for any losses, damages, cost, claims and expenses of liabilities of whatever nature in mail forwarding. AccGirl will be charged HK$80 for procedure fee and mailing fee of forward mails and parcels. 16. 電話服務 CALL SEVICES i. 所有來電轉駁服務只適用於本地電話號碼。 All call forwarding services apply to local telephone number only. ii. 若客戶須更改系統直接轉駁之指定號碼,必須於生效期前2個工作天向本公司以書面形式通知。 If the designated number direct transferred by system is to be changed, a formal written notification should be submitted to AccGirl on or before 2 working day prior to the effective day. iii. 為保障客戶之利益及私隱,所有來電訊息只會儲存48小時。 For protecting the Client’s interest and privacy, all messages from callers will be reserved 48 hours. iv. 於辦公時間內,專線電話服務只限代接後留言及轉駁電話,而不包括任何產品查詢,報價及客戶服務的工作。 During the office hour, the telephone services provided by AccGirl can be only used for receiving calls, leaving messages and transferring calls on behalf of the Client, not including any services related to product inquires, making quotations and Client services. 15. 客戶應於本公司發出帳單列明的到期日前繳交費用,否則本公司有權終止其服務而不作另行通知。若客戶要求重啟因延遲繳款或欠款被終止的服務,本公司將會向客戶收取於終止期間的相關服務費用。 The Client shall pay the fees before the due date specified on the relevant invoices, or AccGirl has the right to suspend the services to the Client without prior notice. If Client requests to reactive the services which has been suspended by AccGirl due to late payment or overdue situation, AccGirl shall charge the Client the service fees for the suspended period. 16. 客戶如需更改服務指令、內容或地點,需以書面形式通知本公司,及繳付相關費用。 If the Client requires making amendments to service instructions, contents or location, a written notice should be given to AccGirl to the amendment take place, related service fees shall apply. 17. 若有本公司不能控制的事件(包括客戶的作為或不作為),影響本公司按原定計劃履行本服務的能力,本公司或會酌加服務費用。 If AccGirl can’t control events, including Client act or omission, and affect AccGirl the planned to perform this service ability, AccGirl will charge service fee. 資料保護DATE PROTECTION 18. 本公司可收集、使用、傳輸、儲存或以其他方式處理(統稱“處理”)可能與個別人士有關的客戶資訊(“個人資料”)。本公司處理個人資料時,將遵照適用的法律及專業守則。 The Company may collect, use, transfer, store or otherwise process (collectively referred to as the "processing") the information provided by the Clients, which may include personal information. The processing of those data will be in compliance with applicable laws and professional codes of practice. 19. 客戶同意在本公司在為客戶提供服務的情況下向第三者提供與客戶有關之資料。本公司亦將要求代本公司處理個人資料的任何服務供應商,遵守該等規定。 The Client agrees AccGirl to provide customer-related information to third parties for services to be provided to the Client by AccGirl. AccGirl will also request any third party service providers to be compliance with applicable laws and professional codes of practice. 20. 客戶同意接收本公司推广优惠之信息,如客户日后不欲继续接收有关本公司推广信息,可随时通知本公司停止有关信息之发送。 The Client agrees AccGirl send promotion informations to the client. Should the client determine not to continue receiving such information, the Client can inform AccGirl and cease the receipt of the promotion information. 不可抗力FORCE MAJEURE 21. 若因客戶及本公司合理控制以外的情況而出現違反本申請表的情況,客戶及本公司均無須負責(付款責任除外)。 The Client and AccGirl shall not be liable (except payment obligations) for any violation of the application form due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Client and AccGirl, 適用法律與爭議解決APPLICABLE LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 22. 本申請表受香港特別行政區法律管轄,且應當依照香港特別行政區法律進行解釋。甲乙雙方因本申請表而發生的爭議,應友好協商解決。經友好協商不成的提交香港國際仲裁中心進行仲裁。 其他事項OTHER BUSINESS 23. 本申請表構成雙方就本服務及本申請表所涵蓋其他事項的全部協定,並取代先前一切有關的協議、諒解、聲明。 The Application Form constitutes the entire agreement of all matters covered regarding the service and replace the previous all relevant agreements, understandings and declarations. 24. 雙方可用電子方式簽署本申請表(及其修訂),各方可在本申請表的不同副本上簽署。本申請表或任何其附件的修訂,必須經雙方書面同意。 Both sides can electronically sign the application form (and its amendments), the parties signed on different copies of the application form. The application form or any attachments amendments must be agreed to by both parties in writing. 25. 本申請表的任何條文(不論全部或部分)若被認定為不合法、無效或因其他理由不能執行,本申請表其他條文仍具有十足效力。 If any of the provisions of the Application Form (whether in whole or in part) identified as illegal, void, or for any other reason, unable to perform, the other provisions remain in full force and effect. AccGirl does not undertake any relevant client management responsibility。 附件二: 成立香港公司指引 Appendix B: Guidelines for Incorporating a Hong Kong Company
附件三: 服務計劃