會計術語名稱 | 英文名稱 |
全部成本 | absorption cost |
生產成本彙總程式 | accumulation process of production cost |
實際成本與估計成本 | actual cost and estimated cost |
調整後的凈現值 | adjusted net present value |
農業生產成本 | agriculture production cost |
成本開支範圍 | allowable cost |
輔助生產成本分配 | auxiliary production cost allocation |
平均成本與個別成本 | average cost and individual cost |
可避免成本與不可避免成本 | avoidable cost and unavoidable cost |
預算成本 | budgeted costs |
副產品成本計算 | by-product costing |
成本計算品種法 | category costing method |
對比分析法 | comparative analysis approach |
綜合費用分配 | composite expenses allocation |
可控成本 | controllable cost |
成本 | cost |
成本會計 | cost accounting |
成本核算程式 | cost accounting procedures |
成本歸集 | cost accumulation |
成本調整 | cost adjustment |
成本分配 | cost allocation |
成本分析 | cost analysis |
成本考核 | cost assess |
成本分類 | cost classification |
成本控制 | cost control |
成本控制方法 | cost control method |
成本曲線 | cost curve |
成本記錄 | cost entry, cost recorder cost agenda |
成本考核指標 | cost examine target |
成本流程 | cost flow |
產品成本項目 | cost items of product |
成本分類賬 | cost ledger |
成本管理 | cost management |
賬面成本 | cost of book value |
決策成本 | cost of decision making |
銷售成本 | cost of goods sold |
商品銷售成本 | cost of merchandise sold |
再生產成本 | cost of reproduction |
成本計算期 | cost period |
成本計劃 | cost plan |
成本結構 | cost structure |
成本轉賬 | cost transfer |
成本差異 | cost variance |
成本核算 | costing |
成本核算成本 | costing account |
成本計算方法 | costing method |
成本計算對象 | costing objective |
成本報告 | costing report |
成本計算單位 | costing unit |
可遞延成本與不可遞延成本 | deferrable cost and un-deferrable cost |
直接成本與間接成本 | direct cost and indirect cost |
直接人工成本差異 | direct labor variance |
直接人工成本差異 | direct labor variance |
直接材料成本差異 | direct material variance |
股利轉移 | dividend remittances |
生產費用要素 | elements of production expenses |
約當產量比例法 | equivalent units method |
已耗成本與未耗成本 | expired cost and unexpired cost |
因素分析法 | factor analysis approach |
工廠成本 | factory cost |
特許權使用管理費 | fees and royalties |
財務成本與管理成本 | financial cost and management cost |
產成品成本 | finished product cost |
固定成本 | fixed cost |
國際投資決策會計 | foreign project appraisal |
國際投資決策會計 | foreign project appraisal |
燃料費用分配 | fuel expenses allocation |
可比產品成本分析 | general product cost analysis |
等級產品成本計算 | graded product costing |
成本計算分類法 | group costing method |
歷史成本與未來成本 | historical cost and future cost |
存置成本 | holding cost or carrying cost |
閑置成本 | idle cost |
增量成本 | incremental cost |
公司內部貸款 | intercompany loans |
廠內經濟核算制 | internal business accounting system |
內部成本報表 | internal cost statement |
廠內結算價格 | internal settlement prices |
國際存貨管理 | international inventory management |
跨期攤提費用分配 | inter-period expenses allocation |
成本計算分批法 | job costing method |
聯產品成本計算 | joint products costing |
提前支付與延期支付 | Leads and Lags |
責任成本層次 | levels of responsibility cost |
停工損失 | loss on work stoppage |
巨集觀經濟成本 | macro economic cost |
凍結資金保值 | maintaining the value of blocked funds |
定額管理 | management norm |
經濟風險管理 | managing economic exposure |
交易風險管理 | managing transaction exposure |
換算風險管理 | managing translation exposure |
製造費用 | manufacturing expenses |
製造費用分配 | manufacturing expenses allocation |
製造費用差異 | manufacturing expenses variance |
材料費用分配 | material costs allocation |
商品採購成本 | merchandise procurement cost |
現代管理會計 | modern management accounting |
跨國經營企業業績評價 | multinational performance evaluation |
跨國運轉資本會計 | multinational working capital management |
定額成本 | norm cost |
定額成本控制制度 | norm cost control system |
原始成本和重置成本 | original cost and replacement cost |
原始記錄 | original record |
計劃成本 | planned cost |
成本計劃管理體系 | planned management system of cost |
政治風險 | political risk |
動力費用分配 | power expenses allocation |
預計成本 | predicted cost |
價格差異 | price variance |
主要成本與加工成本 | prime costs and processing costs |
成本核算原則 | principle of costing |
成本控製程序 | procedure of cost control |
產品成本 | product cost |
產品壽命周期成本 | product life cycle cost |
生產成本 | production cost |
生產損失核算 | production loss accounting |
數量差異 | quantity variance |
比率分析法 | ration analysis approach |
再開票中心 | re-invoicing center |
相關成本與非相關成本 | relevant cost and irrelevant cost |
凍結資金轉移 | repatriating blocked funds |
報告成本 | reporting cost |
責任成本 | responsibility cost |
工資費用分配 | salary costs allocation |
半成品成本 | semi-finished product cost |
成本計算簡單法 | simple costing method |
社會成本 | society cost |
現代管理會計專門方法 | special methods of modern management accounting |
廢品損失 | spoilage and defective work losses |
標準成本 | standard cost |
標準成本控制制度 | standard cost control system |
成本控制標準 | standard of cost control |
目標成本 | target cost |
跨國資本成本的計算 | the cost of capital for foreign investment |
產品成本計劃 | the plan of product costs |
理論成本與應用成本 | theory cost and practice cost |
全面成本控制 | total cost control |
趨勢分析法 | trend analysis approach |
不可控成本 | uncontrollable cost |
單位成本與總成本 | unit cost and total cost |
在產品成本 | work-in-process cost |
在產品計價 | work-in-process costing |
車間成本 | workshop cost |
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